Saturday, November 2, 2013

Gwyneth Paltrow Fights Back Against Her Critics: "Who Gives a S--t?"

Haters gonna hate, but Gwyneth Paltrow refuses to be rattled. Appearing as the guest editor and cover star of Red magazine's December issue, the 41-year-old actress has a lot to say about -- and to -- her critics.

"The older I get I realize it doesn't matter what people who don't know you think. It doesn't matter," she tells the U.K. publication. "You're wasting your energy. It's like, if your partner comes to you -- or your best friend -- and says, like, 'Listen, I want to talk about something you did that hurt me, or I think you could improve,' sit down and listen to what they have to say. But some friend of so-and-sos -- it's like, who gives a s--t?"

PHOTOS: Gwyneth Paltrow's most obnoxious quotes

The Oscar winner is particularly fed up with women being pitted against other women or telling them how to live their lives. "It makes me cross. Why can't we be supportive of other women in whatever incarnation they're going through?" the Iron Man 3 star says, clearly frustrated. "It's like, who's judging us? Men? Or are we judging ourselves -- looking for an external voice that confirms this belief that we are failing in some area of our life?"

PHOTOS: Gwyneth's celeb BFFs

(The actress' comments come amid news that Vanity Fair is planning to run an unflattering, possibly damning story about Paltrow. Editor-in-chief Graydon Carter said she "forced [his] hand" when she allegedly emailed her friends asking them not to speak to VF if contacted about her.)

Paltrow -- who has the lifestyle brand Goop, in addition to an acting career and a family with husband Chris Martin -- believes women should be able to make their own choices without fear of judgment. "I personally think that the work/life balance for a woman should be exactly what she feels is right for her," the mom of two (to Apple, 9, and Moses, 7) continues. "And nobody else can set her time schedule. And nobody else can tell her how many hours a week she needs to devote to this, that, or the other."

PHOTOS: Gwyneth through the years

What's right for one person may not be right for someone else, she adds. "It's like, go into a room, get quiet with yourself, and ask what is the true answer for you? And f--k what anybody else says."

"That idea of 'Oh God, if I don't show up to this concert, all the other mums are going to think I'm terrible.' Well, so f--king what," she tells the mag. "It's like, when I'm with my kids, I give them everything I have. And when I'm not, I give whatever I'm doing everything I have. And that's my work/life balance." 

PHOTOS: Gwyneth's incredible bikini body

Which is not to say it's everyone's. "I've made it work for me, but it doesn't matter what my specific thing is," the star says. "It's like, what's your specific thing? How do you want your life to look? It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. It matters what you think of yourself. And what your children think...I'd say, do what is right for you and don't give a s--t what anyone else thinks."

Paltrow wants women to support one another instead of being critical, which is why she shared the story of her miscarriage earlier this year. "It's part of my philosophy of bringing women together...sharing your truth," she explains. "Some people don't want to appear vulnerable; but we're all weak and vulnerable. And strong."

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