Thursday, March 1, 2012

Consumer Health Awareness Teaches You How to Prevent Childhood

Published by Sherry | March 1, 2012 | | 0

Currently childhood obesity is out of control and it is time for us to do something about it. Childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past 30 years with the statistics from children 6 to 11 revealing that numbers increased from 6.5% in 1980 to 19.6% by 2008 and the numbers are steadily climbing. We can?t possibly just stand by and let this happen. We need to monitor what our children are eating at home, in school and during extracurricular activities to ensure proper nutrients and healthy weight. We are hurting our children when we opt for foods smothered in grease and saturated with fat because they are seemingly more convenient. What is of great inconvenience is when our children as 12 but run the risk of cardiovascular disease such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol. It is said that in children spanning the ages of 5-17, 70% of obese youth had at least one cardiovascular disease risk factor.

Not only is there risk of heart disease in obese children, these children also run greater risk of sleep apnea, bone and joint problems and low self esteem.

Another problem with obese children is that if the problem isn?t addressed early on they are more than likely to become obese adults who later pass on their poor eating habits to their children and the cycle continues. If you are looking to prevent obesity in your children and your loved ones it is very necessary that you implement a strong change in lifestyle starting with incorporating healthy eating habits and lots of physical activity. We are becoming more inactive and our children are following suit. It is time to rehash the days of playing outside until the sun goes down. Television, internet and video games will still be there long after we have had our fun in the sun.

Learn what needs to be done and hop to it.

It is easy to become overwhelmed by all of the diets on the market claiming to have the key to weight loss in no time. Half of these diets are fads, unrealistic, unknowledgeable and some are very detrimental to our health. Let?s not promote shortcuts. Let?s teach our children exactly what it means to eat well and feel great.

Consumer Health Awareness is an organization on a mission to inform and enlighten consumers about the important facts surrounding obesity and weight loss. This organization sets out to do something very simple: save lives. Consumer Health Awareness champions that knowledge is power. With the proper information you will be well on your way to the lifestyle you desire for you and your children.

Learn which snacks are healthy alternatives to French fries and cookies while still offering great taste. Introduce fruit and vegetables as an alternative to junk food. Talk to your local schools. Write letters if you have to. Speak to whoever is necessary to foster change in our homes, our communities and our neighborhoods. Try your hand at making a difference; if not for you, for your child. It?s worth it.

Click here to read the rest of Consumer Health Awareness Teaches You How to Prevent Childhood Obesity. If you enjoyed this article, you also might like our other stories about Consumer Health Awareness.


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